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Tcheerok (approx.transcr. [tʃe-ə-rɔːk] ) is an ancient batarian tradition that is present to this day in both the Na'Hesit and the Ub'Hesit parts of the Batarian Confederacy. It is more prominent in some national cultures than others, but is overall generally accepted and practised on the level of the entire species' culture.

The tradition is a brief but important ritual of gift-giving, usually connected to an important cause, event or holiday.

Typically, a gift is given to a person of importance by someone seeking their favour, wishing to express respect and gratitude or atone for a mistake. It is always a gift to someone of a higher status from someone below them. Tcheerok rituals between kin are not acceptable; there are other traditions for that.

In practice, acts of bribery were often disguised as tcheerok rituals.

It is unacceptable to give money as a tcheerok, as it is both illegal and forbidden by tradition. Gifts of jewellery are considered acceptable, but are somewhat frowned upon from those wishing to see the ancient tradition followed perfectly. The most popular tcheerok gifts are art pieces, musical instruments, weapons, tech devices of high quality and animal pups, qlygh and varren especially. While the gifts can be incredibly expensive, they should not be large - a shuttle or a ship, for example, would be in bad taste, unlike a statue or a high-tech pistol.
